Saturday, 24 May 2014

We are One, We are Community. - " Individually we are one drop, Together we are an ocean" - Ryunosuke Satoro

My goodness, Our first event was a picnic on July 14th 2013. 27 Events and 10 months later and we are now 3 groups with over 800 members ! Also the lovely Marta is on board to help so we have grown a little too and will be offering many more events and socials. It's been a journey, a wonderful journey.

I can remember a walk on Hampstead Heath where just one person turned up, and that one person is now a friend, thankfully ! LOL.

June is an exceptionally busy month so check out our calendar. We already have 3 events for June, 2 of them are fundraisers so we will be off shopping for our next Homeless walk which will be either late June or early July ! We have Walks, Healing, QiGong and another Picnic.

Are you ready for a Glastonbury weekend experience ?  We are :-) and now in the process of looking at venues and dates right now. Spaces will be limited as it is our first weekend trip so we want to keep it fairly small but its is going to be awesome :-) Glastonbury is a place that I visit very frequently, as often as I can. It is a very special place for me, Heart Chakra of the world. There is no place more special for me than to be stood in the Healing pool at the Chalice Well, in the super cold water which has a constant 11 degrees C temperature throughout the year and I have been in there all seasons ! It's true :-) This is my special place, where i often travel in meditation.

Now its time to take our groups to the next level with many exciting plans. I feel my vision has become a reality, and we really are a beautiful community. These are very exciting and challenging times and the need for community has never been more important. Individually we are one drop, Together we are an ocean. I truly believe that this is the way it is meant to be, the way we are meant to live and my next dream is to be living this way 24/7 and sharing a home with kindred spirits so watch this space. A plot of land, growing some organic vegetables, solar power, group eating, cooking, meditating:-) Does anyone else have this vision ? There is no need to be alone, no need to have the whole world on ones shoulders, we can share the weight. Together is the way, We are all one ! We aren't living together but we are that support system, We are connected, we are  sharing, caring and we are there for one another.

Everyone we meet offers us an opportunity to learn something new, some of the lessons are really tough.  It's difficult times for many spiritually and to have the support of others on the path is really truly special. We are together that support platform, we are community, we are one.

Thank you beautiful souls for playing your part.

Join our Spiritual social community

Love, Peace and Blessings

London Spiritual Events and Socials
London Spiritual Walkers
Spiritual Friends Trips

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